Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The two most common questions being asked via telephone and email [don't be shy to ask in the comments section here] are:
When are you opening? And will the classes be the same as they were?
The Restaurant and Cooking School will be opening around the time of the olive harvest to celebrate the new oil. We estimate Mid April to early May, but we will give you plenty of notice here on the blog. STOP PRESS OPENING ON MAY 10 FOR CLASSES AND MAY 11 FOR THE RESTAURANT FOR COOKING CLASS LINK For those that have not tasted freshly made extra virgin olive oil, you are in for a treat. Most commercial oils are about 4 to 6 months old before they are released but the real fresh fruit flavours in our opinion are best as soon as it comes out of the press. The iridescent green colour gradually settles and becomes clear. A full detailed blog on when, and how the olives are harvested and pressed will be posted when it happens.

The classes will take the same format as before with a maximum of 14 places. All classes are 'hands on' with participants choosing to get as involved as they choose. Classes are based around groups of seasonal ingredients, special techniques, the garden or topics that may be appropriate to the season. As well as the classes that I will give, we will again be hosting guests presenters , both from the restaurant world and also writers, artists, musicians and others that may not be principally known for their love of food and wine.
We will welcome school groups of all ages, gardening groups, also smaller groups from the restaurant world who need to recharge their batteries, develop their menus or just use this space to break out of their usual routines.
If you have any requests for topics and guest presenters now is the time to let us know as the programs are being developed.
I hope you are getting some of the rain that seems to be whizzing by.

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