The first stop near Forrest yields some good slippery jacks [suillus luteus] and saffron milk caps [lactarius deliciosa] the two most common edible wild fungi available in this area in autumn. As our eyes become accustomed to looking amongst the forest floor the wonders of the fungi world begin to emerge. Great flushes of Paxillus that to an over enthusiastic amateur could be mistaken for chantarelles with drastic gastric consequences abound near the West Barwon Dam. Before we go any further I have to say- be afraid, very afraid do not try any wild fungi without an absolute positive experienced person to help you to identify them. After more than 15 years of foraging I only eat about six varieties that I am completely confident are edible. These days just to look and wonder about in this extraordinarily beautiful landscape is enough. The field of wild fungi is a minefield for inexperienced foragers look by all means but do not try anything that you are not sure about.
We complete our walk around Lake Elizabeth one of the most beautiful spots in this district we find Wood Blewits [lepista nuda] some brilliant bracket fungi and marvel at the diversity of fungi in this small piece of paradise.
I have not identified these photos for a good reason I do not want you to try anything on just a photo for identification. The more I learn about wild fungi the more careful I have become. Look, enjoy but be very careful.
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