Thursday, September 1, 2011

How the National Food Plan Stole My Homework

As some of you have been reminding me I have been slack and not updating the blog for ages.So let me know which if any of these you would like expanded?

How it feels to roast your first batch of Coffee Peruvian,  Table Top, and Ethiopian Yirgfacheffe?
And is it a fallacy to wait for 3 days before brewing a freshly roasted batch? 

How to dress and age Wild Stubble and Brown quail with straw from the fields where it was shot?

Update on the Khorasan and Spelt trials now in its 3rd Month ?
The Khorasan is winning by about 6 inches despite being sown a month later?

Is the first chapter of Grand Days by Frank Moorhouse the most appetising first chapter of any book?

How to make Capocollo?

How much cheese whey is added to generic supermarket milk?
Will anyone review Modernist Food or is it too heavy? 6 Kilos of ink.
How the upcoming wholesale fish market move has already changed the way you buy fish?
Why the National Food Plan, arguably the most important policy initiative that our little part of the blogsphere  seems to be obsessed with has been largely  ignored in both the mainstream and new media? Submissions are due on the 2nd Sept I have been trying to submit a response and will post it if I can?
Is there someone out there who could help me to redo the format of  this blog in a less clunky way?
And the only really serious question -
Will Geelong make it to the Grand Final?  

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