Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Day

A big thank you to all that called in, wrote, texted, pingged, emailed or tweeted their surprise, sadness, encouragement, indignation, mild abuse and other sentiments received on the news that we are on the market. We feel fine its not an obituary. As soon as the silly season is over we will let you know all the details in the meanwhile its business as usual.
The yabbies are biting and Wanda has learned to retrieve the nets, steal the bait and liberate the catch if she is not otherwise distracted or tied up while the nets are in the dam. The season is pitch perfect with the white peaches ripe and ready for New Years day’s Bellinis and Kate our mate  from Padua is in for a treat tonight. Some of the red and white fraise de bois strawberries have survived the in-between-courses-walkers’ gleaning. We had lost all the wild white strawberries in the drought years but thankfully Darryl and Sue had taken some cuttings and then when the rains came they brought some back and they are thriving. The red frais de bois I rescued from a large garden that was clearing them out ready for the tip-- go figure?. The aroma as you walk past the strawberry beds is so strong that I am not surprised they get eaten each week by the walkers. The white ones are safe because everyone except the cognoscenti think they are un-ripe.
 These wild wonders are perfect for the home gardener as they are almost impossible to find in the market because they do not travel. They have not yet been selectively bred for transport. Thank bloody goodness. The mulberries are about a month off here and they are nothing like the tasteless ones seen in the market earlier in the season.

All the very best for 2013 from the four, three, and two leggeds here at Sunnybrae. 

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