Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Resep Cara Membuat Laksa Kuah Ayam Bumbu Oncom Khas Bogor

There are many variations in the archipelago, laksa laksa Bogor typical oncom is one of them. Laksa Bogor is a variation of thousands more with the gravy tasty seasoning the rice vermicelli served with fermented beans and toge and is perfect served as a gravy lontong or ketupat pieces.

Chicken laksa because it uses chicken broth ingredients and as included in the how to make a yummy laksa by using simple ingredients and seasonings.

The ingredients and seasonings:

500 g chicken meat washed clean, rub the water juice of 1 lime fruit is 15 minutes
100 grams of oncom is burned then destroy
2 pieces of bay leaf
2 stalks Lemongrass, white part and then grab digeprek
2 bks (130 ml) coconut milk kara
1 tsp salt
1 tsp granulated sugar
1/2 tsp bouillon powder or flavoring
1200 ml water
oil for sauteing


8 grains of red onion
4 cloves garlic
6 grain Pecan fritters
1 TBS roasted coriander
4 cm turmeric


Saute seasoning smooth, Bay leaves and Lemongrass until aromatic and enter the chicken. Stir well until half-cooked and enter the water, salt, bouillon powder and granulated sugar.
After the chicken is tender and cooked through, lift the chicken and drain and then shred-shred once cool enough. While the gravy rebusannya added with fermented beans and coconut milk. Stir-stir well so as not to break the coconut milk and turn off the heat after everything is done.
Prepare a bowl or serving dish, place the vermicelli, toge and shredded chicken then flush with the broth. Complete presentation with a poached egg and basil leaves and sambal laksa served time.

Serving Suggestions:

3 pieces of boiled eggs cut in half
100 grams of toge smothered hot water, drain
1 bks (130 g) rice vermicelli soaked hot water, drain
Basil leaves plucked leaves alone
red onions for topping

Sambal: 10 pieces of Red cayenne pepper, 1/4 teaspoon vinegar, 1/4 tsp salt and 100 ml of water. Boil water with cayenne pepper to taste until wilted, lift and drain and then puree or blend with 100 ml of water. Add salt and vinegar as well as duk until blended.

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