Saturday, July 25, 2015



Not unlike white rice, lontong or ketupat (kupat) who are both made out of rice is also served with a variety of creative cuisine. Lontong is often used as a substitute for rice, not only because it is tired of eating white rice but few specific dishes are more tasty and typically use a rice cake. As well as opor ayam is one that is quite popular as a menu widths serving ketupat or rice cake with a delicious spiced coconut milk as well as savory berkaldu.

Not much different with opor lontong sayur is chayote can also combine it with string beans or garbanzo beans, carrots, young jackfruit and various other vegetables that we liked. How to make vegetable rice cake soup can be a good menu selection for breakfast or while being tired of eating rice even as a special lebaran.

The ingredients and seasonings:

500 grams chicken
1 piece of lime
100 grams of chayote cut into matchsticks
100 g carrot cut into matchsticks
100 grams of long beans cut into pieces 3 cm
2 pieces Lemongrass digeprek
2 stem leaves
1.3 liters of water
65 ml (1 packet) coconut kara
1 tsp salt
1 tsp granulated sugar
1/2 tsp bouillon powder or to taste
oil for sauteing


5 big red chilies
7 grains of red onion
3 sung garlic
6 grain Pecan fritters
1 TBS roasted coriander
2 cm ginger
3 cm galangal
2 cm turmeric


Cut into pieces and wash clean chicken then marinate it with lime juice for about 15 minutes.
Heat the oil and then Saute seasoning smooth, Bay leaves and Lemongrass until aromatic. Insert the pieces of chicken meat, Cook until it changes color and then pour the water and mix well.
After boiling, stir in the salt, bouillon powder or flavor enhancer, sugar and coconut milk. Stir-stir the coconut milk in order not to break and enter the carrots, string beans and chayote. Stir and then cook until all of the chicken is tender and cooked, lift up and ready to be served.

For those who want to, we can make spicy chili sauce to taste separately so that it can be enjoyed by all family members at home.

As a reference, can also try how to make a simple sauce here, namely with the 10 pieces of Red cayenne pepper or to taste and then boiled with water to taste until wilted. Then puree or blend with 100 ml of water, 1/4 tsp of vinegar and 1/4 teaspoon of the salt and then mix well. Serve lontong or ketupat with vegetable gravy along with other appropriate presentation of complementary tastes.

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